Thought Leadership

Blogging Nigeria's Health Scene

1 Mins read

Why start a blog about health and health care in Nigera, who has time to read them…and really who cares?

Questions we asked ourselves.
Ike Anya and I have frequently commented on health issues relating to Nigeria in various conventional media as here, here and here. Just before the last elections, with our colleagues in the Nigerian Public Health Network, we tried to stir national debate on health issues. We collect and put up news articles relating to health on the website of the network. But the urge to be more proactive and bring these issues to the attention of most people in real time became most glaring when we attended an awesome conference in Arusha, Tanzania; TEDGlobal. If you have some time, listen to some of the talks on the web, time very well spent.
Our time is now! It is time to do a bit more, and demand a bit more. The Nigeria health sector is currently struggling out of the doldrums that it has found itself in. The problems are multifaceted and seem unsumountable. But we thought the same about other sectors and see what is happening now!
Why is it no longer acceptable to take a sleeping mat to the bank, but still okay to take a mattress to the hospital out-patient-department? With the growth in the profit driven sectors of the Nigerian economy as seen in the financial, communication sectors, one major challenge facing the country is how the health, education and other public sector domains will keep up and strive. Yet, non of the growth in the other sectors is sustainable without attention paid to education and health.
So, using this blog, we will draw attention to the things that matter, relating to health in Nigeria. Coming from a public health backround, will will attempt to give a population perspective, ask the difficult questions and seek pragmatic solutions.
We look forward to your support, comments and criticism!

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed people can change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has…Margaret Mead

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