Thought Leadership

DFID launches PATHS II in Nigeria

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Thought Leadership

DFID launches PATHS II in Nigeria

1 Mins read

The UK Department for International Development has just launched the second phase of the Partnerships for Transforming Health Systems in Nigeria. The project has been running for the last six years and has been credited with supporting some of the achievements of NAFDAC, the drug control agency and supporting the introduction of better health information management systems in Kaduna State.

The project is based in five states- Enugu, Ekiti, Jigawa, Kaduna, Kano and some support at Federal level

Unfortunately, the communications haven’t been that great- a website has only just been set up and is still under construction

The first phase, PATHS I delivered by a consortium led by HLSP ended in 2007. The second phase has just been launched under new leadership

Hopefully, the new website will help in keeping people abreast of the programme and what it seeks to achieve, and help Nigerians hold their governments and donors to account…

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed people can change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has…Margaret Mead

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