Thought Leadership

DFID Programmes in Nigeria

1 Mins read

Have you ever wondered what health programmmes and projects are ongoing in Nigeria, what their aims and objectives are and how well they are doing (or not)?

We have often looked forward to a situation where the national health strategy and programmes were put in the public domain in order to enable Nigerian citizens to hold health officials and donors to account. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, while she was Finance Minister blazed the trail by publishing on a regular basis how much revenue was accruing to government coffers and how they were disbursed.

The UK Dept for International Development is one of the key donors to health programmes in Nigeria, and an outline of their programmes in Nigeria (not just in health) is published here

The International Development Committee of the UK Parliament as part of its oversight function, is holding an inquiry examining DFID programmes in Nigeria and is currently calling for submissions from interested parties, especially organizations based in Nigeria. The deadline is the 8th of February. More information is available here

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed people can change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has…Margaret Mead

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