A research fellow of the Development Research and Project Centre’s Partnership for Advocacy in Child and Family Health at Scale (dRPC PACFaH@Scale) Mr. Turnwait Michael has been selected as one of the 2019 Goalkeepers by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Established in 2017, Goalkeepers are leaders who take a stand on the issues they care about and innovate in their communities to achieve the Global Sustainable Development Goals. Mr. Michael was chosen among the 2019 cohort for his work toward improving primary healthcare in the country. A Ph.D. student at University of Ibadan, Michael was one of the research fellows of the Development Studies and Public Health on Investing in Health for National Development,the Partnership for Advocacy in Child and Family Health,sponsored by dRPC PACFaH@Scale and Universiteit Leiden – the Netherlands. His research focused on how a system of primary healthcare per ward could be a critical component of Primary Healthcare Under One Roof (PHCUOR). “Primary healthcare is the bedrock of our health system. my research focused on not just the physical structures, but the services provided’’ he said adding that states and local government areas taking full ownership of primary healthcare delivery will go a long way in the provision of effective services.
In a statement released after participating in the Goalkeepers ceremony via teleconference, dRPC PACFaH@Scale advocated for federal and state authorities to work towards timely achievement of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) by expediting actions towards achieving the primary healthcare under one roof through provision of adequate and sustainable funding for universal health coverage within the framework of the PHCUOR policy within national and state level budgets, strengthening of UHC and PHCUOR platforms and assessment mechanisms with full civil society participation including groups representing women, youth and traditional and faith leaders, provision of high levels of technical and management support to State Primary Health Care Boards (SPHCBs) to roll out and implement key pillars of the PHCUOR policy, Ensuring full transparency, a community of practice and shared learning around the important pilot of the Basic Health Care Provision Fund, Domesticate, disseminate and facilitate vibrant community-led conversations around new and soon-to-be-launched government policies with implications for UHC and PHCUOR and increasing technical compliance and efficient processes within national and state government MDAs to ensure results based allocation and timely releases of appropriated funds to support UHC service delivery within a strengthen PHC system.
This is great work indeed. Nice.
Interesting, thank you for this press release