Community Health Watch

Fadisonka Health Post: A Facility in Desperate Need of Basic Amenities

1 Mins read

Various challenges hinder efficient service delivery in Fadisonka health post of Wudil Local Government Area (LGA) of Kano State. The facility lacks a fence, a convenient toilet, and essential drugs to provide adequate medical care to patients.

Usman Abba, the officer in charge (OIC) of the facility said the toilet lacks running water and other essential sanitary items for ensuring cleanliness and hygiene. “The toilet emits bad odour which can be harmful to patients,” he said, adding that a hospital deserves a functional toilet with adequate water supply and proper sanitation because it is where people go to access health care. The single hand pump that served the facility has been faulty for a long time therefore, the staff resorted to fetching water from a well several kilometres away.

community Health Watch

Explaining why the facility is in desperate need of a perimetre fence, the OIC said, “Children from the neighborhood usually come around to defecate in the compound. We also have people breaking in to steal from the facility.”

Fadisonka Health Post: A Facility in Desperate Need of Basic Amenities | #CommunityHealthWatch

He also advocated for the provision of more essential drugs to the facility. “We wish there would be free drugs, though we get the anti-malarial drugs for free through Global Fund, we need more like paracetamol, artemether injection, and MMT for ulcer relief which are frequently required in this community.”

Ensuring that Fadisonka Health Post is well equipped with functional toilets, a fence, and essential drugs, will significantly enhance the facility’s capacity to deliver quality healthcare services to the community. It is therefore crucial for stakeholders in Wudil LGA and Kano State, as a whole, to address the critical needs of this health post.

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