Cancer is the health flavour of the year. Following the footsteps of our beloved “first lady”, wives of some the governors of some states (Lagos and Delta) were recently brought together for a “Cancer Rally” as reported in the TRUE LOVE magazine (yes we do read ‘normal’ mags too :). This was apparently organised by the Pink Pearl Foundation.
This is a good thing! But we do hope that they are influencing their husbands in power to do more than “rally”. The challenge of cancer is truly a big one and we need some people with competence to support our leaders to thing through the care path way from prevention to palliation in order to have a more substantial impact on the lives of real people than the photo opportunity in society soft sell magazines…We will keep our eyes out for these….
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed people can change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has…Margaret Mead