- Medical Doctor, eHealth Systems Africa, Abuja. Apply
- Drug Control Officer, P3, UNODC – The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Abuja, deadline 3rd November 2020. Apply
- Assistant Director Nurse, Cedarcrest Hospitals, Abuja, deadline 20th October 2020. Apply
- Sexual Gender Based Violence Assistant (SGBV), Save The Children, Yobe, deadline 20th October 2020. Apply
- Senior Program Associate, Chemonics International, Abuja, deadline 16th October 2020. Apply
- FT Health Specialist, NO3, UNICEF, Abuja, deadline 16th October 2020. Apply
- Registered Nurse / Midwife, Pearldrops Healthcare Staffing, Lagos, deadline 30th October 2020. Apply
- Laboratory Technologist (Technician), International Organization for Migration – IOM, Borno, deadline 14th October 2020. Apply
- Public Health Specialist (Monitoring & Evaluation), US Embassy, Abuja, deadline 21st 2020. Apply
- Program Officer: Nutrition, Care and Support, Justice, Development and Peace Commission (JDPC, Enugu, deadline 16th October 2020. Apply
- CHEW / Healthcare Assistant, PearlDrops Healthcare Staffing, Lagos, deadline 30th October 2020. Apply
- Chief of Party, Panagora Group, Abuja. Apply
- Senior Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Specialist (Health)- STTA DevTech Systems, Inc, Abuja. Apply
- Assistant Technical Officer Nutrition, Nigerian Red Cross Society Taraba, deadline 16th October 2020. Apply
- Medical Consultant, Adamawa State Government, Adamawa, deadline 31st 2020. Apply
- MEL Sector Specialist, HIV and Tuberculosis, USAID/Nigeria Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Activity, Abuja, deadline 11th October 2020. Apply