Thought Leadership

Nigerian Health Minister in London and other updates

1 Mins read

Recently we blogged about the appointment of Professor Adenike Grange as Minister of Health and the enthusiastic response in the Nigerian health sector. She comes to London to deliver the UCL Lancet Lecture for 2007 on Friday 9 November at 6 p.m. UCL Cruciform Lecture Theatre, Cruciform Building, Gower Street. Her talk is titled:

‘Implementing health sector reform for better performance’

To book a place please contact Eda Pierce, or telephone her on +44 (0)20 7679 7675. Please state your title, name, organisation/ affiliation and email address when booking a place.

We also recently blogged on the insistence of Nigeria’s premier private University, Convenant University to insist on HIV negative tests before graduating students. We can now bing the “good news”..that this has now been rescinded after a lot of clamor by advocates. Kudos to the D-G of NACA in using dialogue to resolve this…bt also kudos to those that brought this to light. Now let Convenant concentrate on what it does best…teach students….

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed people can change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has…Margaret Mead

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