Do not look away – these are OUR children – children as old as mine, killed in Jos, in OUR Nigeria, in 2010. All Children…how can we live with this pain. How?
Credit – Linda Ekeji
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed people can change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has…Margaret Mead
I really felt sorry for Nigerian, as nothing good is coming out in 2010.The whole world is watching us. we need now than ever a permanent solution to this kind of killings.
This is really a shame. How is this different from what we have seen in other countries where Nigeria as the ”giant of Africa” has repeatedly boasted that she has been at the forefront of peace keeping by sending troops. We send troops abroad to stop carnage as this, yet we come back to commit the same carnage with our very own and in this situation helpless children. God is seeing this. This is a sorry story.
” Nigeria is a peaceful country. We are not a Terrorist country”.
This was what the Nigerian Government including the Gaffe Senate president, the Chairman House committee on information and media and a host of other senators told the world three or four months ago. God help us.