Thought Leadership

The Minister talking the talk….

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Thought Leadership

The Minister talking the talk….

1 Mins read
Many stories in the Nigerian press start with this phrase

“The President/Governor/Minister/Senator/Chief/ etc has called for XYZ…to do XYZ”

No critical questioning about the issues. No historical perspective, no context, no questions. This is moreso when there is a new appointee doing his round of familiarisation visits.

Here are a few reports from the first few weeks of our new Minister of Health Professor Babatunde Osotimehin.

Health Minister Professor Babatunde Osotimehin, yesterday unveiled his ‘Strategic Agenda for Health,’ which he said is aimed at addressing the challenges confronting the Nigerian health system, and to lay a foundation for a sustained reform of the system, in line with current and emerging challenges.…details in the Champion

…calls for the State,Local Government and other Health stakeholders to work together with theFederal Ministry of Health to ensure that the health indices in the country is improved. details at NPR

….we will eradicate polio from Nigeria by the middle of this year. details in the Vanguard

we will collaborate with state and local government in the country to provide quality healthcare services to Nigerians. details in the Leadership

commends the work of the Clinton Foundation in Nigeria. details in Thisday

tasks health professionals on work ethics. details in Vanguard

…commends Lagos State Government for its giant strides in the health sector details in Thisday

…vows to deal with any health professionals in the federal health institutions, who fails to carry out their responsibilities to patients as expected. details in Thisday

Lots of promises my people…lots of promises…

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed people can change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has…Margaret Mead

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