Thought Leadership

Their Nigeria…..

1 Mins read

Today is October 1. Our country is 49.

It would be easy for us to do a post about how bad things have become after 49 years. To write about how our collective dreams have remained just that; dreams….how in even the short lives that my generation of Nigerians have lived, we have seen our country regress so much. It would be easy for us to write yet another blog on the cholera outbreaks reported this week in Adamawa, cholera!!!!. Easy to write about our ongoing challenges with polio.It would be too easy for us to moan about the state of our hospitals and Obasanjo’s MRIs in a country dark without electricity, whose leaders jet out for the slightest ailment. We could write about our “teaching” hospitals, the accidents on our roads, the children in our neonatal units.

But no…today let us reflect on the next generation and on the legacy we wish to bequeath to them. What will our answer be when they ask; but Daddy…what did you do? 

…what are You doing?
Happy Independence Day!

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed people can change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has…Margaret Mead

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