A few days ago we posted a blog on the job for the CEO/CMD for Nigeria’s premier public hospital – The National Hospital, Abuja. This hospital is cherished so much as a national treasure that it is not managed by the Ministry of Health but directly under the presidency. We have written in detail in the past on the unfulfilled expectations of our National Hospital. The present CMD; Dr Olusegun Ajuwon got into the position after transitioning from being the personal physician to our erstwhile President, General Olusegun Obasanjo. He has known many a controversy and the hospital has remained shadow of its beautiful exterior.
So …when we saw that there was a public advert for the position – we were indeed glad and put it up on our blog.
But since then – we have wondered about several aspects of the Job Description.
1. Why does the manager have to be a medical doctor? If we need the best manager – then we should allow the best manager for the job! Nothing I learnt in medical school has prepared me for the management responsibilities I have, and I do not see how it will prepare for this job! Indeed this might be the reason our hospitals are so poorly managed! We all loose if our best surgeons, who have never managed more than their clinical teams leave clinical practice where they are desperately needed to “manage” our hospitals. I m also not saying that pharmacists, nurses or any other professional is better suited, nor do I suggest “rotation” in typical Nigerian fashion. If we need a manager – we should seek a manager.
2. Why do the candidates have to send in Fifteen (15) copies of his/her written application with detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV/Resume)??? In 2010 can our presidency not set up a simple online application process?
3. Why do the need to know “Number of Children with Age”
etc etc etc ….
Find below Chief Exec JD for an “ordinary” hospital in the UK. Really its not rocket science! We can do more…
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed people can change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has…Margaret Mead
It’s crazy that the government is not “mature” enough to see that you need a health manager to manage a hospital, as you need a Chief Surgeon to manage a surgical team and a good Clinical Nurse to manage the surgical ward! Surely someone there has encountered people who have degrees in Health Management? Often good nurses, allied health professionals and others take post-grad courses in Health Management so they know the rules, limits, finances and people skills needed to manage a hospital or large clinic. My Masters in Public health class has several people who are health managers- they’re studying public health so they can learn how a hospital fits into the wider health system and society- as they should. Doctors and nurses should campaign for a good manager to be appointed- not one of their own colleagues.
Excellent reference on simple and practical help available to us all as our people continue to re-invent live in the past. Appointing the right person on merit is still too far off in our weak systems where the fear of corruption has kept many away. Also, the cost of reviewing all our current document can be funded by a charity. Again, in many of these issues, the fear of corruption has kept many away.
They could try head-hunting for the best, but really they don’t want the best but the rest!