Community Health Watch

Tsado Kashi: Health Worker Forced to Convert Home to Makeshift Clinic

1 Mins read

The people of Tsado Kashi, a rural community in Gbako Local Government Area (LGA) of Niger State who are basically farmers had in the past sought healthcare from traditional healers until the government built a clinic in the community.  However, years after its establishment, the facility is no longer functioning.

According to Abubakar Mohammed, the officer in charge (OIC) of the facility, even when the clinic was functioning, it lacked beds, a labour room, toilets, cleaning utensils and water. “Every section of the clinic was in bad shape,” he said, adding that even if he wanted to admit patients, he lacked the equipment to serve them.

Abubakar now attends to patients in his home in Tsadu Kashi community and “this is not hygienic,” he confessed. There is no laboratory in his house to carry out tests or scans therefore, patients are referred to either Lemu or Bida, two distant communities to access those services. They also buy their drugs from external pharmacies as he doesn’t stock any medicine, he can only prescribe them.

Tsado Kashi | Health Worker Forced to Convert Home to Makeshift Clinic | #CmmunityHealthWatch

Confirming the OIC’s words, Hadiza Abdullahi, a resident of the community said, in the absence of a clinic, women now use traditional birth attendants when they are about to give birth which sometimes costs them their lives.

The residents of Tsado Kashi community have clearly articulated their health needs and urge the officials of Gbako LGA and the Niger State Government to address them urgently by:

1. Reconstructing the Tsado Kashi PHC.

2. Providing adequate health personnel, water, laboratory, and ensuring the availability of essential drugs.

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